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Friday, March 15, 2013

I May Not Be There Yet...But I'm Closer Than I Was Yesterday!

Almost three weeks in...I am down 13 pounds, and a whole size. Paleo is coming through for me, once again! I have been attending water aerobics twice a week, and trying to squeeze two additional days at the gym as well.

Our family traveled to the coast last weekend. We indulged quite a bit, and I came back 2 pounds heavier. The weekend was worth it though! Monday, I was back on track, and I lost those 2 pounds this week, plus 1 more.

Since the last time I posted, I have a new favorite Paleo recipe: Salmon Patties with a Creamy Lemon-Dill Sauce. Since we're in Lent, I've been more brave with trying new seafood recipes for my Fridays. This one was a hit with my family!

I am feeling good about my progress, my attitude and my excitement for what's to come!

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Something New and Different!

Tonight, I treated myself to my first Detox Bath. I had heard my friend MK talk about it, but never tried it until tonight. How rejuvenating! I lit some candles, put some George Winston on Pandora, and sat back to relax. I did the 2 cups of Epsom salts, 2 cups of baking soda, a tablespoon of freshly grated ginger and a scented body oil I enjoy. I truly feel refreshed and awakened!

Fried Chicken for Lunch!

Paleo Fried Chicken Recipe

I made myself Paleo fried chicken today for lunch - delicious! I'm getting excited and creative with food. I'm going to explore some more recipes and share what else I like.

Day four, and I'm down 6 pounds. I went to water aerobics yesterday morning. It was a great workout, but I think I pushed it a little too hard. My bad knee (left) is all out of whack now. There's something about being in the water that makes you believe you can over extend your normal limits. I'm paying for it today.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

I'm Back Here Again...

Great article: The Paleo Diet and the Case for Primal Living

It's Lent again, and I'm revisiting my same commitment as last year (see previous post). I'm on day 3 of being strictly back on the Paleo Diet...and I'm already down 5 pounds and feeling great. I've been to the gym twice this week, and am hoping to go at least two more times. I am tired of being uncomfortable in my own body again. I am unhappily over 200 pounds again, and ready for a change.

The Paleo Diet is my eating plan, and I would like to be at the gym 4-5 times per week. Here we go again! I'm at a gym that I LOVE (Superior Athletic Club) and I have friends to meet there, holding me accountable. My husband is on a similar eating plan, which is very encouraging. I hope you'll follow me on my journey.