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Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Feeling good, ready for more!

BEFORE : December 2010

Seven months of hard work paid off. I did it! I fit into my bridesmaid dress, and was happy with the way I looked. I enjoyed our weekend at the wedding, and splurged even. Monday, was back to Paleo however. I'm taking the rest of the summer off from bootcamp, because of my already busy schedule. I'm hoping to start up again once school starts for the kiddos. In the meantime, my husband and I will continue with our weight loss journey together. I would like to drop 1-2 more dress sizes, and be in much better shape. I plan to continue to work hard, and share it with you all. Thanks for your support this last seven months. Stay tuned! This isn't the end of my journey!
AFTER : July 2011

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Ups and Downs

Me with JH at the 4th of July Freedom Run
So, I've gained a little. I'm up about 3 pounds since my last blog weigh-in. That isn't too bad, considering I haven't posted in about three months. I'm continuing to do bootcamp three times a week, and am still loving it. The Paleo Diet has continued to work for me, when I stick to it. I'm back on it, with only 16 days until my brother's wedding. On the fourth of July, I completed my first 5K. My goals were to finish it in under an hour, and to not be last. I fulfilled both those goals. I jogged the entire time, with no stops or walking. I felt pretty good about that. Only a couple more weeks until I'll reveal pictures of me in the bridesmaid dress!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


This past weekend, I celebrated my 34th birthday. I let myself splurge for that evening. I had a great night out with friends, and it was totally worth the splurge.

As of today, I am down 21 pounds! This journey has been so exciting. It's not to say it's not challenging. I still have to remind myself to consider why I'm eating, what I'm eating, and how much I'm eating. Exercise has been a challenge this time around. Since starting bootcamp last week though, I feel energized and driven to work even harder! The sunny weather has really helped my attitude as well.
The more you like yourself, the less you are like anyone else, which makes you unique.
Walt Disney
I have friends that are motivating me, as they go on their own journey towards a healthier life. It's nice to be surrounded by all that positive energy and support. I am so on track for this summer! I put on my bathing suit last night to go soak in the hot tub, and it was so much bigger that the last time I wore it, in October. I guess it's time to try on one of my smaller swim suits!
The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.
Walt Disney

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Hard Work Pays Off

As of today, I am down 17.5 pounds. YAY! Only 121 days until my brother's wedding.

I started bootcamp yesterday. It kicked my butt! But, it was good. I was getting the workout I needed, and being pushed harder than I would have been able to push myself. I will be doing this 3-days a week for 1-2 months, at least. This should be just what it takes to get me fit and trim for summer. My measurements were taken (for the first time) yesterday, so we'll see how they change after the 4-week session!
As a part of this bootcamp, I'm doing the Paleo diet. Some days are harder than others. With my PCOS, this is a really good diet to manage my symptoms. I am still trying to manage my symptoms with medication as well. I am seeing the dermatologist next week for my severe acne. I haven't seen the results with the medications from my endocrinologist that I'd like to see. I'm hoping to get my skin cleared up in time for the wedding. The sunshine should help too - and today is a beautiful, sunny day!

Speaking of, I'm going to get out and mow my lawn! Enjoy your day!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Welcome Spring!

As of today, I am down 16.5 pounds. YAY! 
We are in the season of Lent, and my husband and I gave up sugar. This has made it easier to stay on plan. I've even been drinking my coffee black. I enjoy our 'fish Fridays' too. I have also added praying the rosary every Monday at church. I have found it meditative and rejuvenating.
The sacrifice which causes sorrow to the doer of the sacrifice is no sacrifice. Real sacrifice lightens the mind of the doer and gives him a sense of peace and joy.  ~Mahatma Gandhi
It continues to be challenging to be motivated to exercise. I try to get on my elliptical as often as I can. I walk with KK when I can as well. At the end of the month, I will be starting a women's bootcamp. I plan to do the bootcamp 3-days a week for 3 months. This should be exactly what I need to not only lose weight, but also get trim, fit and healthy in time for summer...and my brother's wedding (in 133 days!). I know once I get into a strict exercise routine, I will be hooked. Plus, once summer is here, I will be wanting to be active outdoors.
Love is to the heart what the summer is to the farmer's year - it brings to harvest all the loveliest flowers of the soul.  ~Author Unknown
Thank you again to all my friends and family that have continued to give me strength and support on my way to a healthier me!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Inspiration and Support

I have several friends that are battling the bulge with me, and doing so in great strides! I love to know that I'm not alone, and find it encouraging to see others taking this on.
"Good friends are like stars.  You don't always see them, but you know they are always there." Author Unknown
I am down 12 pounds as of today. I picked up my bridesmaid dress this week, and it is closer to zipping up (157 days until my brother's wedding!). I walked this week with KK, and I used my elliptical machine too. I've also been doing push ups and cross-fit style sit ups. My husband even made a comment this morning about how much my tummy has shrunk. I'm seeing the results too, and I'm loving it.

New haircut!
I got a new haircut this past week. I'm feeling sassy! This next week, I'm going to follow up with my reproductive endocrinologist regarding some of my PCOS symptoms. I may be looking into getting a sleep study, regarding my snoring. I know that will improve however, with my continued weight loss. My acne is out of control though, and I can't get into the dermatologist until April 5th. I am seeing my gynecologist this week. Hopefully she'll have some insight into that, since it is hormone related. I'm also excited to be seeing the chiropractor on Monday. I have been overdue for an adjustment. I even got my husband to go! He has never been to a chiropractor; but has been complaining of back pain every morning when he wakes up. We'll see how it goes!

It's a beautiful day today! Time to get at it!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Keep On, Keeping On!

I walked three times this week. Once with JH and twice with KK. It felt good! My weight is still the same, with a total of 10 pounds down. Maybe this week, I can shake it up and break that plateau.

My bridesmaid dress is in. I need to go pick it up this week. I'm not really sure what's holding me back from doing that.

I have a formal function to attend on April 9th. That's a nice, small goal for now.
"Without goals, and plans to reach them, you are like a ship that has set sail with no destination." Fitzhugh Dodson
That's about it for now!

Saturday, February 5, 2011


Tough times never last, but tough people do.Dr. Robert Schuller
This was a rough week for me. My husband was out of town for work, my neighbor asked me when I was expecting (I'm not pregnant!), and I received some bad news about someone. All of that would normally be a huge trigger for me to binge, but I hung in there. I made good choices, and found other things to focus my energy and attention on. I was conscious this week of what I was eating, how much, and why I was eating. I savored bites. Exercise was better this week too, energizing me even more.
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn't serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We are born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us, it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.Marianne Williamson
My kids started a few weeks ago at Higinbotham Martial Arts. They are there 5 hours a week, and I have found it motivating. I see how active my kids are, and it encourages me to continue to get my own body into shape. They love it there. It has been good for their self-esteem and it gives them the physical activity that they otherwise may be lacking this time of year. I am thankful for this.
Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.Helen Keller
*As of today, I am down a total of 10 pounds. I am fitting in my size 12 jeans. I have 178 days until my brother’s wedding, in which I’m a bridesmaid.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


I’ve had a little pep in my step lately! I’ve made a few more changes since my last post. I purchased some Reebok EasyTone Reeinspire II athletic shoes. They’re fantastic! Also, my friend KK introduced me to a new app for my phone called Cardio Trainer. It has a built in pedometer and more! It’s a great tool.

I started using my workout resources again. My favorite two workouts are my Gold’s Gym Cardio Workout (Wii game) and Jillian Michael’s 30-day Shred (DVD). They both are fun, and kick my butt into gear.

I am walking the mall tomorrow with KK. I’m anxious to get some miles on my new Reebok shoes, and use my Cardio Trainer app on my Droid X.
"When you look at yourself and feel dissatisfaction about any part of you, you will continue to attract feelings of dissatisfaction, because the law mirrors back to you exactly what you are holding inside. Be in awe and wonder at the magnificence of you!" (The Secret Daily Teachings)
*182 days until my brother’s wedding!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Reality Check

Yesterday, I finally ventured down to David's Bridal to try on the bridesmaid dress. The size 14 was too big, and the size 12 was too small. So, I took a gamble and ordered the size 12. It can be altered down to a smaller size if necessary. I'm more dedicated than ever, knowing that the dress is too small right now.
"If you can imagine it, you can create it. If you dream it, you can become it."
William Arthur Ward
I am happy to say I'm down a total of 8 pounds. I am taking my medications for my PCOS and have cut out most processed carbohydrates. I am continuing to exercise when I can. I need more motivation in the movement category. But, I know as my weight continues to go down, I'll have increasing energy to move more. Stay tuned!

Saturday, January 22, 2011


It has been almost two weeks since my upper endoscopy. My esophagus was not the shape it should be. They stretched it out, and put me on a prescription for acid reflux.

Since the procedure, I am back on my regimen of medications to manage my PCOS. I have also changed my diet to exclude most processed sugars. My friend KK and I have been walking regularly, both outside and in the mall. I finally dusted off my elliptical machine as well. I am happy to say that I'm down four pounds!
"I wake up every day with the realization that this is it, that there's only one shot at this life and I can either enjoy the ride and live it to its fullest and to my highest potential or I can stay the way I am." Author Unknown
I really appreciate all my friends who have been so supportive. The ladies I play bridge with weekly have been great about bringing healthy food choices. Supportive friends and family make all the difference!!! I thank God for them.
“You’re braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.” Christopher Robin to Pooh

P.S. My brother's wedding date has changed to July 30, 2011. The countdown continues: 189 days!
 "Never give up on a dream just because of the length of time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway." Author Unknown

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Goal Dress

This week, I wasn't as focused as I had hoped. I ate donuts, Taco Bell, etc. Last night, I went out with some friends for a mom's night out and saw a movie. I ate popcorn, candy and had a soda. Afterward, we went to a local hot spot for their late happy hour, and had a BBQ sandwich, smoked salmon rangoons and two Guinness. Talk about bad choices! Exercise didn't happen either.

My big positive for this week was getting myself all set up on SparkPeople:
SparkPeople is the world's largest healthy living community with a free online diet and fitness program. SparkPeople is helping millions of people achieve their goals every single day!

Whether you want to lose weight, tone up, live a healthier lifestyle or reach other goals, SparkPeople can help--and it's 100% FREE!
My friend DB told me about it, and I have found it to be a great resource! I joined some teams that suit my needs.

At the end of the evening last night, I got a text message from my brother's fiancĂ©e telling me she had picked the bridesmaid dresses for their wedding. I finally got online this morning to take a peak. It's a beautiful, red, long, strapless, satin ball gown with a waist sash. I have never worn a strapless dress in my whole life. Mostly, because I've never had the chest to support it. I now have a goal dress. The wedding is December 10, 2011.

Today, I started my day with good food choices and I'm walking with my friend KK this afternoon. I will try on the bridesmaid dress this afternoon and get it ordered. It is my hope that it will have to be substantially altered by the time the wedding is here. I have 336 days to get my act together.